- Zigguart is a virtual Art Gallery. Its main goal is to introduce and promote independent artists’ artworks from all around the world. The idea is to create an intercultural community among artists and their audiences, having a united philosophy, but with different styles and artistic expressions.
If you are an independent artist, and you want to share your artwork with the correct audience, you are in the right place and Zigguart offers you the following features:
- Shares your artwork on its social media including Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, along with a mention of your name and art page.
- Exhibits your artwork on zigguart.com, creates your independent art gallery in the Zigguartists section, and classifies your art into different parts of the website based on their style and concept.
- Presents and promotes your artwork in their specialized fields.
- Makes a connection between the independent artists and their perfect audience and target market.
- Publishes your statements, articles, and exhibition announcements in the Ziggunews section of the website and on social media as well.
- Shares and publishes your video art, animation art drawings, or other artworks that fall into the category of multimedia, on the website, Youtube, and Patreon channel of Zigguart and other social media platforms.
Zigguart is planning to activate and promote the multimedia section of the website. Therefore, we are eagerly looking forward to sharing your artwork.
Last but not least, for the time being, all of the features above are being offered for FREE to artists who meet Zigguart’s standards.
PS. We intend to create an official shopping portal on our website for your artwork. Unfortunately, because of Covid19 and the current safety measures around the world, this has been temporarily suspended. We will resume this service as soon as we are able to.
Per info in italiano : margheritadamiano.zigguart@gmail.com tel:+39 366185 2949
If you’re interested please write us here.