The Spiritual Path project
The Spiritual Path project – Hesam Sharifi was born in January 1989. He was fascinated by art from childhood and he started painting figurative, expressionistic, surrealistic pictures. This passion leds Hesam to the conservatory and by studying illustration he learned graphic and digital painting. He continued his way by filmmaking and skilled in directing and editing(read more about this artist).
The East, the oriental art, the romantic and mystical literature of the east, and the eastern population, which in the deep cycle of special markings, full of the unknown, have been aimlessly spinning.
The “Spiritual Path” project by Hesam Sharifi
Digital painting
• AŽI DAHĀKA(اَژیدهاک )
• Coma (Eqma – إغماء)
• Illusions (ʾAwhām – أوهام)
• Transcendence (taʿālī – تَعَالِي )
• In the darkness of night, you shine, instead of moonlight.
• Deprivation (ḥirmān – حِرْمَان )
• Wishes (raqāeb – رَغائب )
• Her snout slips over her face.
• Opportunity (majāl – مَجَال )
• Yar
• Separation (hejrân – هجران)
• Alas (hayhāt – هيهات )
Technique: Figurative / typographic design (Nasta’liq script) in digital environment.
We are simple souls, quite simple, that we have come to life, to the existence, because of a few reactions. But we, humans, have condemned ourselves to emotions and exiled ourselves to “being”. We, eastern people, have called this exile “The Spiritual Path“.
Ancora non ci sono recensioni.